Research activities

Research and analysis are at the core of MEDirections’ work on Libya. Through its publications and events, MEDirections has brought together researchers and practitioners to focus on some of the key dynamics affecting Libya and its neighbours since 2011.

The research is led by Virginie Collombier, whose work concentrates on processes of mediation and reconciliation, the political economy of conflicts, and security dynamics. This has included participating in major research consortium projects such as the EU-funded MENARA project and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)-HYRES project.

Latest events:

MEDirections is also working with young analysts based in different regions across Libya to produce policy relevant research. MEDirections mentors and provides support to these junior Libyan analysts, who have very limited background in conducting social science research.

This aims to complement the social dialogue track by generating a more detailed understanding of important trends and dynamics that could be a barrier to stability and reconciliation. It will also contribute towards training capable Libyan analysts able to advise policy-makers. The research topics include local economies and networks of power, armed groups and religious transformations.

Latest publications: