New publication WPCS | Afrin under Turkish control: political, economic and social transformations | K.Al-Hilu

The MEDirections is delighted to share a new Research Project Report from the Wartime and Post Conflict in Syria project (WPCS) The paper was originally published in Arabic as عفرين بعد السيطرة التركية: تحوّلاتها السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية

Afrin under Turkish Control: Political, Economic and Social Transformations

by Khayrallah Al-Hilu

This study examines how Turkey has transformed the administration of the Afrin region since the Turkish army established control over it in March 2018. The paper first discusses the security and military structures that Turkey has established to exert control over the region and the role played by Syrian opposition military factions. It then questions its local governance as a means of imposing facts on the ground through the establishment of a new Turkey-linked political class and efforts to tie local councils, civil society organisations and public services directly to Turkey.

The paper also examines the demographic changes that took place during and after the battle for Afrin. It concludes with an examination of the rapid shifts in the local economy and Turkey’s economic strategy in this border region.